Bristol Community College students enrolled at the college may be eligible to receive CARES Act funds. Eligible students have received information via their Bristol email address on how to apply for the funds. If students did not receive an email and/or text about these funds, they were not eligible to receive the additional funding.

The form takes less than 2 minutes to complete. If you accepted funds in the past, you may still qualify and need to complete the form again. The college is offering these funds through the federal funds we received.

Please note that the CARES Act funds are different than the college’s CARE Fund. The Bristol Community College CARE Fund is not affiliated with the federal program and serves all Bristol students who may be struggling academically or with personal concerns at any time.

For more information, please review the CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions section below.

CARES Act Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive the federal CARES Act funds?

Bristol continues to closely follow the Department of Education’s guidance on how to distribute these funds and established criteria that has enabled eligible students to apply for and receive CARES Act funds.

I have already received CARES Act funding in the past. Am I eligible to receive more?

If you applied for funds in the past, you may continue to be eligible to receive additional funding.

How are the distribution amounts decided?

The amount of money you receive depends on several factors. This includes how many credits you are taking as well as your financial need. Please note that these calculations were universally implemented; no one with the same calculation would have received more or less than others with the same requirements.

How will I get my additional funding?

The funds will be disbursed through the college’s BankMobile processor and mobile app for student accounts. If you have not selected your refund preference or need to update it with BankMoible, please login to your accessBCC account and select $$BankMobile Disbursements to get started. You can select to have your funds deposited into an existing bank account or to open a BankMobile Vibe checking account.

Information about CARES Act Funding at
Bristol Community College

Bristol Community College has signed and returned the Certification and Agreement related to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), to the U.S. Department of Education also known as Higher Education Emergency Relief fund (HEERF I), the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, (CRRSAA: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II)) and the American Recue Plan (ARP: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF III)).

The college will receive a total of $37,934,688 in HEERF I, II, and III funding as follows: Student (a)(1) $13,683,359, Institution (a)(1) $18,610,857, Strengthening Institutions Program (SIP) (a)(2) $1,398,059, Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) (a)(3) $2,538,522, and Supplemental Support Under the American Rescue Plan (SSARP) (a)(3) $1,703,891.

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for all HEERF I, II, and III grant funds:

Total amount disbursed to students:

Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting for HEERF I, II, and III (a)(1) Institutional Portion,
(a)(2), and (a)(3):

We are closely following the United States Department of Education’s (DOE) guidance on how to distribute these funds and have established criteria that will enable approximately 5,500 eligible students to receive support. The DOE guidance states that these funds are to be used for providing emergency financial aid grants to students, for their expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus, such as food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, and child-care expenses.

Within the Bristol community, students will receive varying amounts of assistance. Grants are based on a student’s financial need, Title IV eligibility and course credits enrolled in the Spring 2022 semester. Because of the COVID 19 restrictions, the federal guidelines have changed slightly. The college may provide funding to students who are 100% online if they meet the other existing criteria. The amounts awarded to spring 2022 semester students will be based on the number of eligible students confirming their impact to the virus.

Students should check their Bristol email account frequently for communication regarding their eligibility. Students will need to respond to the email to acknowledge that they meet the requirements to receive funding. For students who have not completed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for the current term, there will be additional questions to verify their eligibility.

We believe that this is an equity-based distribution model that reflects our mission to assist our students yet acknowledges that we must consider individual financial needs. If a student does not receive an email in the coming weeks but needs assistance, they can contact the college to learn about additional opportunities for financial assistance.