Arizona ccw application download

Qualifications/documentation of qualification:

"Private security guard service" means any agency, individual, or employer in the business of furnishing to the public for hire, fee or reward dogs, watchmen, patrol service, private security guards, or other persons to protect human life or to prevent the theft or the misappropriation or concealment of goods, wares, merchandise, money, bonds, stocks, notes, chose in action or other property, valuable documents, papers and articles of value.

Note to Peace Officers: Peace officers operating a security agency (business) must be licensed per the requirements of this webpage. This means the submission of an application, fees, a workman's compensation policy, liability insurance, a list of employees, and a recent letter from the agency head (or designee) that the officers may wear department uniforms and drive department vehicles. If your agency does not permit the use of agency uniforms and vehicles, you must follow the instructions below pertaining to security uniforms and vehicles. Recent inquiries of various risk management and human resources entities have shown that they WILL NOT cover officers working in this capacity, the only exception is typically if the job was coordinated through an authorized agency off-duty work coordinator - check with your department for further information as the policy may vary between agencies. If your agency will cover you in this security capacity, submit a written statement from BOTH your HR and Risk Management directors, in addition to all the other required application paperwork. Consult with your agency head and HR department before creating a security business due to conflicts related to peace officer status and liability while working for a security company.

Qualifications of Licensee

A security guard agency license is issued to an individual who is the Qualifying Party regardless of the agency structure (sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, or corporation). The Qualifying Party is sometimes called the Licensee.

The Qualifying Party must meet the requirements as listed in ARS §32-2612 B

The Qualifying Party (or Resident Manager) … shall have at least three years of full-time experience as a manager, supervisor, or administrator of a security guard agency or three years of full-time supervisory experience with any federal, United States military, state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency. The qualifying party must pass the background check.

Documentation of Qualifications

The necessary documentation to fulfill the above Statute must be described in a letter from an individual or individuals, such as a former supervisor, who can specifically state their work relationship with you and personally verify your appropriate supervisory experience. The letter should contain the date the supervisory position was achieved, duties performed, and the date of termination (if applicable). The author of the letter must be clearly identified by name and include an address and contact telephone number. The author must sign the letter.

You may also submit documentation from an agency from which you retired or were previously employed. This documentation may be in the form of retirement papers, letters of recommendation, performance evaluations, or military records such as DD214, NCOERs, OERs, awards, etc. (a DD214 alone is insufficient evidence - we also need the copy that shows the type of discharge received). Generally, military personnel in grade E-5 or higher and officers will be considered to have served in supervisory capacities, however, at least three years of supervisory experience must be documented. Submitted documents must explicitly state that you have the required experience from verifiable sources. Failure to provide sufficient documentation of your experience from appropriate sources will result in the rejection of your application.

**Allow at least 15 business days after the submission of your application before calling the unit to check your status. Repeated phone calls will only delay your application.

Selecting your agency name and agency associates: Instructions for choosing your agency name are listed here .

If these individuals reside and/or work in Arizona, they are considered Agency Associates:

• Corporation: Each corporate officer

• Partnership: Partners other than the Qualifying Party

Use the (one-page) Registration Application for each Associate’s application. Each Associate must submit a classifiable fingerprint card, a 2” x 2” passport photograph or a facial photograph, and proof of identification, such as a photocopy of your driver's license, passport, etc. Each Associate must pass the background check.


Guard Training Requirements

As required by ARS §32-2613 and ARS §32-2632 , training must be provided to Security Guards (currently certified AZ peace officers are exempt from training requirements). A copy of the 8-Hour Required SG Curriculum is available on this website. The curriculum of your training program must cover:

**Armed guards must additionally complete the DPS-approved 16-Hour Firearms Training Course for Armed Guards.

Authorized Signers and Instructors

The Qualifying Party and any Resident Manager can authorize individuals to sign Part A of the employee applications for the agency. Authorized Signers must be designated in writing. The Qualifying Party may add or delete signers as often as deemed necessary, but each action must be in writing.

The Qualifying Party must also designate, in writing, which registered unarmed general training Instructor(s) the agency will utilize. These registered unarmed general training instructors (s) shall conduct the required eight-hour unarmed pre-assignment training class. The registered unarmed training instructors are the only individuals who are authorized to sign the Security Guard Training Verification Forms for the required training. These registered unarmed general training instructors must be registered by the Licensing Unit before conducting any training.

If the agency is going to hire and/or train armed security guards, then the Qualifying Party must designate, in writing, which registered firearm-safety Instructor(s) the agency will utilize. This registered firearm safety instructor (s) shall conduct the required sixteen-hour initial armed training class and the yearly eight-hour armed refresher classes. The registered firearm safety instructors are the only individuals who are authorized to sign the Armed Security Guard Training Verification Forms for the required training. These registered firearms safety training instructors must be registered by the Licensing Unit before conducting any training.

The written authorization to DPS must include a signature sample with the printed name, as signatures are often illegible. These authorizations and sample signatures are retained in the agency file.

Revised Lesson Plans for Security Guard Training


Who is required to be registered?

You must be registered as a general instructor and/or firearms safety instructor to provide the general unarmed or firearms safety (armed) training to applicants or current security guards.

• Until you are registered by DPS, you cannot provide any of the required training to any applicants or security guards.

• Instructors from other states are not recognized in Arizona.

Federal Bureau of Investigation Fingerprint Background Check

The applicant's fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. The procedures for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of your criminal history record are set forth in 28 CFR §16.34

Firearms Instructor Registration

Lesson Plans

General Instructor Registration

Lesson Plans


List of Disqualifiers

Applicants are deemed to not meet qualifications

For Armed Security Guard and Firearms-Safety Instructor only:

Uniforms and Vehicles

The particular type of uniform and insignia for a security guard shall be subject to approval by the director and shall be such that it will not deceive or confuse the public or be identical to that of any law enforcement officer of the federal government, the state, or any political subdivision thereof.

Patches and Badges

No shoulder patch, breast patch, or breast badge shall be worn or carried by a security guard, armed security guard, private policeman, special policeman, watchman, or employee or licensee of any patrol service agency or private security guard agency unless previously approved by the Director. Obtain approval from the DPS Licensing Unit before you order your shoulder patch, breast patch, or breast badge in quantity.

Patches or badges shaped like a star, containing a prominent star, law enforcement emblems, or state center seals that are used on shields worn by Arizona law enforcement, state government, or federal agencies shall not be approved. The department shall not approve any word or word combination that could cause a reasonable person to confuse a security guard with law enforcement personnel.

Departmental policy prohibits the following word on any badge or shield:

Shoulder identification patches shall be worn on the upper left and right sleeves of all shirts, coats, and jackets and shall include the name of the agency and the word "Security." Shoulder identification patches or emblems shall not be less than two inches by three inches in size. The patch should contain the word "Security" on it, however, a rocker or smaller patch reading "Security" in letters that are one-half inch or taller may be affixed below the shoulder patch in lieu of a patch with the word "Security" incorporated into it. A patch containing a star, emblem, design, center seal, or verbiage that resembles a law enforcement or government agency patch will not be approved. Uniforms may use embroidered cloth shoulder patches or patches that are silk-screened or embroidered directly on the upper shoulder sleeves.

A breast patch shall be worn on all uniform shirts, coats, and jackets and shall include the name of the agency and the word "Security." The breast patch shall not be less than one and one-half inches by two inches in size. The breast patch should contain the word "Security" on it, however, a rocker or smaller patch stating "Security" in letters that are a one-half inch or taller may be affixed below the breast patch in lieu of a patch with the word "Security" incorporated into it. A patch containing a prominent star, emblem, design, center seal, or verbiage that resembles a law enforcement or government agency will not be approved. Uniforms may use an embroidered cloth breast patch, metal breast badge, or a patch that is silk-screened or embroidered directly on the left breast side.

Metal Badge or Shield

A metal badge or shield may be substituted for the breast patch.

No badge or shield shall be worn or carried by a security guard, armed security guard, private policeman, special policeman, watchman, or employee or licensee of any patrol service agency or private security guard agency unless previously approved by the director. Badges shaped like a star, containing a prominent star, law enforcement emblems, or state center seals that are used on shields worn by Arizona law enforcement or government agencies shall not be approved. A badge containing a prominent star, emblem, design, center seal, or verbiage that resembles a law enforcement or government agency will not be approved.

Approved breast badges shall be worn only on the left breast side of the approved uniform. Wearing the badge or shield on the belt or lanyard is prohibited.

The uniform shirt may be traditional or casual.

Traditional uniform shirts are Class A, dress uniforms, battle dress uniform (BDU) shirts, or any type of uniform shirt that has buttons down the front Traditional shirts require shoulder patches on the upper left and right sleeves and a breast patch or breast badge on the left breast side.

Casual uniform shirts are polo shirts or t-shirts. Casual shirts require shoulder patches on the upper left and right sleeves, a breast patch or breast badge on the left breast side, and the word SECURITY across the back with letters that are at least three inches tall.

The following shirt over pant/shorts combinations are prohibited:

The department shall not approve any color combination that may cause a reasonable person to confuse a security guard with law enforcement personnel.

Security guard coat or jacket may be any color. Jackets shall display a shoulder patch on the left and right upper shoulder sleeve, a breast patch or breast badge on the left breast side, and the word "SECURITY" displayed on the back with letters that are three inches tall or taller.

All security vehicles, markings, and equipment must be approved by the licensing unit. Security guard vehicles shall not have; Blue lights, Red lights visible from the front, Sirens and bells, and markings that may cause a reasonable person to confuse the security guard vehicle with vehicles used by law enforcement personnel. Per ARS §28-947.B, ARS §28-947.D , ARS §28-954.C. , and AAC R13-6-501

Liability and Worker's Compensation Insurance

Do not purchase or submit evidence of your liability and worker's compensation policy until your company has received notification from the Licensing Unit that your agency is approved.

General Liability Insurance

As required by ARS §32-2613.C.2 and AAC R13-6-202.A.2. Once you receive such notification (and before the agency license is issued), you must submit a valid insurance certificate that indicates proof of general liability insurance, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in Arizona, in the amount of $100,000 for each occurrence, and an aggregate total of at least $300,000.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety Licensing Unit must be listed as the certificate holder.

If the security guard agency has an out-of-state address listed on the insurance certificate, the “description of operations” must include words similar to coverage extending to Security Guard Agency operations in Arizona.

This certificate must be sent to DPS upon renewal of the policy. The agency file is updated with the new expiration date.

Workers' Compensation for Employees

As required by ARS §32-2613.C.3 and AAC R13-6-202.A.3. Each agency is required to have valid Workers' Compensation insurance, issued by a company authorized to conduct business in Arizona.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety Licensing Unit must be listed as the certificate holder.

If the security guard agency has an out-of-state address listed on the insurance certificate , the “description of operations” must include words similar to ‘for security guard agency operations in Arizona.’

This certificate must be sent to DPS upon renewal of the policy. The agency file is updated with the new expiration date.

FBI Background Check

Federal Bureau of Investigation Fingerprint Background Check

The applicant's fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. The procedures for obtaining a change, correction or updating of your criminal history record are set forth in 28 CFR §16.34