In the wake of the HITECH Act and recent Omnibus Rule changes, business associates 1 of covered entities must comply with most of the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules applicable to covered entities or face penalties of $100 to $50,000 per violation. 2 Among other things, covered entities and business associates must execute agreements whereby the business associate agrees to comply with certain Privacy and Security Rule provisions affecting protected health information (“PHI”). 3 The Omnibus Rules will require most covered entities and business associates to review and update their business associate agreements (“BAAs”) by September 23, 2013. 4 The Omnibus Rules will also require covered entities to execute BAAs with certain entities that were not considered business associates in the past, including data storage companies and entities that provide data transmission services and require access to the data on a routine basis. 5 To see a decision tree for determining business associate status, click here.
Checklist for BAA Compliance. Under the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules, BAAs generally must contain the following terms. 6 To the extent the business associate enters a BAA with its subcontractors, those subcontract BAAs should also contain equivalent terms. 7
Additional Terms. The OCR has published sample BAA language at its website, However, the OCR’s sample language may not include additional terms that covered entities and business associates may want to include in their agreements. For example, while not required by HIPAA, covered entities may want to:
Business associates may want to include additional or alternative terms that minimize their exposure, such as:
Liability for Business Associate’s Action. The HIPAA Privacy and Security rules confirm that a covered entity violates HIPAA if the covered entity knew of a pattern of activity or practice of a business associate that constituted a material breach or violation of the BAA unless the covered entity took reasonable steps to cure the breach, end the violation, or terminate the contract. 11 In addition, a covered entity may be vicariously liable for the business associate’s misconduct if the business associate was acting as the agent of the covered entity. 12 The same rules apply to a business associates with respect to their subcontractors. 13 Accordingly, covered entities and business associates should ensure that their BAAs:
Effect of No BAA. Covered entities and business associates violate HIPAA if there is no required BAA in place; however, business associates must still comply with the relevant HIPAA Rules even if there is no BAA.
Additional Resources. If you have questions about these or other issues, the Office of Civil Rights maintains a helpful website on HIPAA issues, In addition, Holland & Hart has prepared sample HIPAA forms for its clients, including sample business associate and subcontractor agreements. If you are interested in obtaining such forms, please contact me at
1 Under HIPAA, “business associates” are generally defined as those entities outside of the covered entity’s workforce who create, receive, maintain or transmit PHI on behalf of a covered entity to perform certain enumerated functions, including claims processing; data analysis; utilization review; quality assurance; patient safety activities; billing; benefit management; practice management; legal, actuarial, accounting, consulting, data aggregation, management, administrative, accreditation or financial services; data transmission services if routine access to data is required; and subcontractors of business associates. 45 CFR § 160.103.
2 Id. at §§ 164.402 and .404.
3 Id. at §§ 164.308(b) and .502(e)(1)-(2).
4 The Omnibus Rule extends the deadline to September 23, 2014, if (1) the BAA complied with HIPAA rules as they existed before January 25, 2013, and (2) the BAA is not renewed or modified prior to September 23, 2014. See id. at
§ 164.532(e).
5 Id. at § 164.103.
6 A covered entity need not execute a BAA if the covered entity disclosed only a limited data set (as defined by HIPAA) to the business associate and the covered entity has a data use agreement with the business associate that complies with §§ 164.514(e)(4) and 164.314(a)(1), if applicable. See id. at § 164.504(e)(3)(iv). If the covered entity and business associate are both governmental entities, the BAA may contain certain alternative or additional provisions. See id. at
§ 164.504(e)(3).
7 Id. at §§ 164.314(a)(2)(iii) and .504(e)(5).
8 Id. at § 164.504(e)(2)(i) and (4)(i)-(ii).
9 Id. at §§ 164.504(e)(2)(ii) and .314(a)(2)
10 Id. at § 164.504(e)(2)(ii)(J) and (iii). The covered entity may omit the provision authorizing termination if such authorization is inconsistent with the statutory obligations of the covered entity or its business associate. See id.
at § 164.504(e)(3)(iii).
11 Id. at § 164.504(e)(1)(ii).
12 Id. at § 160.402(c).
13 Id. at §§ 160.402(c) and 164.504(e)(1)(iii).
For questions regarding this update, please contact
Kim C. Stanger
Holland & Hart, U.S. Bank Plaza, 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1400, Boise, ID 83702-7714
email:, phone: 208-383-3913
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