Category: CSE Project Reports

Computer science final year and third year students can find latest collection of cse min and major project reports for free download. M.E final year project reports and CSE final year project reports are provided with source code and ppt.

QR Code based Customer Billing System for Supermarket Shopping Project


The objective of this project is to propose a real-time capturing system that helps consumer billing for hypermart shopping using Quick Response (QR) code in Android smartphones.


Nowadays in most hypermart shops, customers have to take a long queue for billing after shopping and it’s a time-consuming process. Also, users will not be aware of the total bill amount at the time of purchase. Increase time spent at the billing counter and reduces customer satisfaction.


When a customer entered a shopping mall or a hypermart for shopping, his smartphone will be connected to the hypermart’s server. After the successful connection with the server, he can start purchasing. At the time of shopping, the QR code should be read for bill generation. QR code pattern can be read by android smartphones at the time of adding an item to the cart. The QR code will identify the price of the product and it will automatically calculate the total price according to the quantity of the product in the cart. So QR code verifies products by capturing them through a smartphone, then decodes them and sends them to the server for authentication. When the user finishes his shopping, the total amount will be displayed on his phone as well as the cashier’s monitor. You can also visit & download the PHP, My SQL Application project on Supermarket Inventory Management System.

This will avoid huge queues and waste of time for billing after shopping. The customer can plan his shopping whether to continue or not by viewing the purchase bills so that he can manage the bill and shopping effectively.

The project consists of two main modules.

Admin module

Admin will add the products with their price, manufacturing details, and quantity information. He can view the billing and purchase details of customers and generate daily, weekly, and monthly billing reports. Admin can add the products with their price, manufacturing details, and stock information without any duplication. Based on the arrival of new stock and purchasing the product from the stock, the stock quantity will be updated. He then generates a QR code for each product. He can view the billing and purchase details of customers. Accordingly, he can generate daily, weekly, and monthly billing reports.

User module

User can plan their shopping using this app. The user can register with the app. When he enters a hypermart, he can scan the QR code of the product and can view the corresponding product details. Then submit the quantity to be taken. He can finally submit his items in the cart to generate the bill and also have the facility to cancel items from the cart.

This Supermarket Management and Billing System are related to the Customer Billing System for Supermarket Shopping Project. You can also visit & download the Java Application project on Supermarket Management and Billing System



Table 1: Login

Primary key: username

Purpose: To store login details




Primary Key, Email id

Password, unique password

Table 2: Customer

Primary key: customer_id

Foreign key: emailid

Purpose: To store customer details




Primary Key, customer id

Name of customer

Foreign Key , Email id

Phone Number of Customer

Address of Customer

Table 3: Category

Primary key: category_id

Purpose: To store category details




Primary Key, Category id

Table 4: stock

Primary key: stock_id

Foreign key: product_id

Purpose: To store stock details




Primary Key, Stock id

Foreign Key, Product id

Quantity of Stock

Stock Added Date

Table 5: product

Primary key: product_id

Foreign key: category_id

Purpose: To store product details




Primary Key, Product id

Foreign key, Category id

Quantity of product

Price of Product

About the product

Image of product

Quick Response code

Table 6: cart

Primary key: Cartid

Foreign key: Email

Purpose: To store cart details




Primary Key, Cart id

Foreign Key, Email

Table 7: cart_item

Primary key: cart_item_id

Foreign key: Cartid , product_id

Purpose: To store cart item details




Primary Key, Cart item id

Foreign Key, Cart id

Foreign Key, Product id

Quantity of product

Table 8: purchase

Primary key: purchase_id

Foreign key: bill_no, Emailed, product_id

Purpose: To store purchase details




Primary Key, Purchase id

Foreign Key, Bill No

Foreign Key, Emailed

Foreign Key, Product id

Product Purchased Date

Quantity of product

Table 9: bill

Primary key: bill_no

Foreign key: Emailed

Purpose: To store bill details




Primary Key, Bill No

Foreign Key, Emailed

Date of bill generated

Table 10: feedback

Primary key: feedback_id

Purpose: To store feedback details




Primary key, Feedback id

Feedback send date

Download the complete Android app project on QR Code based Customer Billing System for Supermarket Shopping Project.

Hotel Online Room Reservation System Project Proposal

Hotel businesses are one of the top-running businesses all over the world. The hotel business has emerged with massive growth over the last decades. Hotel industries are also one of the main reasons for tourism growth. The section of the service industry that deals with guest housing and lodging are the hotel business. Swagath Hotel is one of those hotel businesses for whom we are going to develop a system to make reservations for customers.

Swagath Hotel business is one of the hotel businesses using a manual system for hotel reservations, bill settlement, and others. Managing the task manually can be very hard and time-consuming. There comes the role of the Room reservation System. The room reservation system helps customers to reserve hotel rooms from anywhere at any time with the medium of the internet.

The room reservation system for this hotel works as the mechanism through which guests can create a secure online reservation. The Room management system is capable of handling various activities like Guest details, Reservation details, invoice details, and many more. This system provides good information sharing to both customers and staff of the hotel. The room reservation system will be the means to eliminate the manual system which then provide faster and more efficient operation in the hotel. The Room reservation system is also considered to offer an efficient, informative, and user-friendly website. Customers will be able to easily make accommodation reservations, for different types of rooms, and select rooms within their range simply by going to the hotel website.

Problem Statement

The problem that our system might face are:

  1. Lack of hotel and hotel website
  2. Inability to match guest
  3. As guests can arrive directly to hotels and reserve rooms and if the admin forgets to set the room reserved in the system it can create confusion and
  4. If the admin does not view the guest reservation and acknowledge them guests might have to wait for a long period to assure that their reservation is
  5. Guest cannot access every detail of the
  6. The guest does not know what the surrounding of the hotel looks
  7. A technical problem like a server down may be another


The room reservation system will be involved in the following actions:

  1. To avoid manual and repetitive
  2. To keep track of available rooms and
  3. To create a database where every customer’s detail is
  4. To secure all the data and records.
  5. To provide speed reservation and registration service.
  6. To retrieve records simply whenever
  7. To authorize the users to have access to the records.
  8. To generate a proper
  9. To inform the availability of rooms in real-time.
  10. To provide the ability to reserve rooms anytime from anywhere with an internet


For our project on the room reservation system, we will be using the waterfall method as it is easy to manage because of its rigidity.

Working Mechanism of the Room reservation system

Requirement identification

Study of the existing system

The current system of hotel management is fully based on paperwork. All the records of customers and rooms which are available in the hotel are managed by the hotel management through paper. There may be some problems or delays in allocating rooms and providing services by a human. Manually handling the hotel room records, customer details, and other management is hard and time-consuming. While all the records are kept in files they may get torn out, lost, or get damaged due to water or fire. Calculations done by staff may not be accurate sometimes. And even transferring the records or finding records is a big problem and also creates a mess. The manual system of room reservation is also time-consuming as a customer have to visit the hotel first and ask for available rooms then inspect those room then only if the customer like it, he will take the room or else he won’t and for all these processes cost a lot of time.

There are also many hotel booking websites but those websites create competition among the hotels. Those websites also create confusion for customers to choose between many hotels. Those websites may also charge some fee for linking up the hotel site. Those websites may also take paid promotions from the big hotels and refer only those hotels to the customers.

Disadvantages of the existing system:

  1. Time-consuming system for making reservations and recording
  2. Mixing of two or more customers
  3. Recording of data manually is not
  4. A lot of space can be taken from
  5. It may face the problem of human
  6. Possibility of losing customers
  7. Unwanted duplication of the record.
  8. Difficulty in maintaining file security and
  9. Easy access to guest information by unauthorized users.
  10. Reusing and retrieves of guest records are extremely difficult.

Requirement Collection

Functional requirement

    1. The administrator can check the information of users.
    2. Users have to register and log in.
    3. The system accepts the user registration only if the required fields are
    4. Users can search and book rooms according to their
    5. Booking confirmation should be sent to the user’s email and
    6. Confirmation of room reservations should be stored in a
    7. Users can also cancel the booking without any
    8. The system will be able to display the available
    9. The system allows the customer to check the
    10. Displaying their charges and other

    Non-Functional requirement

      1. It is easy to use, efficient, and
      2. It will be developed in such a way that the system is available both day and
      3. Any modification like insert, delete, update, etc. for the database can be synchronized quickly and can only be executed by the
      4. System payment will be accepted via various
      5. The system must recover easily from any kind of
      6. The system must be protected from unauthorized

      Feasibility Study

      A room reservation system is a system that is highly feasible for these kinds of hotels. This system is being developed after a high-level study of the entire system analysis and design process which helps the hotel in every aspect. The system being developed will be flexible to support the hotel to acquire more guests. There are three types of feasibility studies we kept in our mind for the development of the system for this hotel.

      Technical feasibility

      The proposed system of room reservation is very technically feasible as we are going to develop the system using existing technology. The required hardware and software for the development of the system are available. The software developed for the hotel management system is used in a client-server architecture where HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used as the front end and PHP is used as the back end for this project. With every knowledge of working with programming languages, we are going to develop the system.

      Operational feasibility

      The room reservation system is very feasible regarding the operation of the hotel reservation. The system is just an advancement of the manual system. The main purpose of the system is to provide an online reservation service to guests which is easy to operate and staff to handle that reservation easily. The system helps to promote the hotel and also creates a user-friendly environment for room booking that saves time. The system helps in recording the details and providing invoices for both guests and the staff without having to deal with time-consuming paperwork.

      Economical feasibility

      The system will help reduce the traditional record-keeping style which will eventually reduce the expense of hotels for registers and files. Keeping records in a digital format is less costly yet reliable. The system also does work alone which requires two or more people to do it. The cost for the development of the system is also one time cost as the system is reliable in the long run.

      High-Level Design of System

      (system flow chart/ methodology of the proposed system/ working mechanism of the proposed system)

      ER diagram

      Figure 1: ER diagram

      The above figure is of ER diagram, this figure shows the relationship between one entity with another other. Here there are 5 entities with their respective attributes. The guest entity checks for the room while the reservation of the room is made if he/she likes the room. Reservation can only be made if the room is empty so reservation is a weak entity. Payment is allowed when the reservation is made. The employee manages the reservation and also is responsible to check if the payment has been received or not.

      Use case

      Figure 2: Use Case Diagram

      In the figure above, the guest and admin are the actors, and gives are the actions performed by them in the system. Both of them have to log into the system for performing any task. The guest has to insert their details while booking the room which will be verified by the admin when the guest checks in at the hotel. Whenever the guest makes or cancels the reservation admin has to acknowledge it. Guests always check for the rooms before making a reservation. The guest receives the bill and the admin should provide him with the bill. Admin is responsible to establish room rates and also categorize the rooms.

      Flowchart diagram

      Figure 3: Flowchart diagram

      The above diagram shows the flowchart of the user logging into the system for the reservation. When the guest visits the website, he/she sees the home page from where he/she can log in. If the guest is not registered in the database, he/she has to register first then only they can explore the room information given on the website. If he/she likes the room they check for its availability. If the room is available, they have to insert their details to confirm their reservation.

      Expected Outcomes

      When the project is completed then the users can register and log in to their account in this application and can easily book their choice of rooms in the hotel. This system also helps to minimize the work of the staff by digitally storing records. It also increases the reservations of the hotel. People can book rooms at the hotel from anywhere at any time. The invoices are printed within a second with full accuracy. From this system, we expect to introduce the hotel internationally. The well-developed website creates a user-friendly environment which makes it easy to use the website.

      Mini Project on Student Profile Management System using Java

      Develop a java based application using GUI to maintain student records. This Student Profile Management application should have a login page. The Student Profile Management should take student details like name, address, branch, previous year scores, and curricular and extra-curricular activities, and all the entered data should be displayed at the end for confirmation.

      Project Programming Details –

      1) LoginFrame :

      Login Frame is GUI based window that is displayed when the user first executes the program. It is the welcome page through which the user will move on to the next frame.
      It contains a button with an ActionListener() which on pressing opens Frame2.

      2) Frame2 :

      Frame2 is the login page. This page takes the user id and password as input and only after successful verification of user the user is allowed to move to the next page.
      The default user id password is
      User id:- admin
      Password:- admin1234

      3) Frame3 :

      Frame3 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as name, age, branch, and address and select their gender from the drop-down menu. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame4.

      4) Frame4 :

      Frame4 is where the user is given the option to enter their details such as their previous academic achievements, their 10th, and 12th scores, their average pointer, and their extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Each detail to be entered is stored using JTextField() and JRadioButton is used to display the drop-down menu for the gender selection. Finally, there is the submit details button which on pressing triggers ActionListener() and checks whether the user-given input is legitimate or not, if it is not then it pops an alert message that reminds the user to enter the correct details. Once the correct input is given, we pass this information on to Frame5.

      5) Frame5 :

      Frame5 class is where we receive the user input taken in Frame3 and Frame4 and using JLabel()’s we display it on our Java application windows. There are two buttons to either make a new entry or exit. On clicking on the first button, ActionListener() is triggered which calls Frame3(), and thus we can enter details of another entry.

      6) Student Details :

      This is the final class that contains the main method, which calls the LoginFrame().

      The output Results of the project will be:

      • Welcome page
      • Login Frame
      • Credential verification
      • User input
      • User input verification
      • Additional inputs
      • User input verification
      • Displaying user details
      • Making new entry

      Thus, using a GUI-based java application we have successfully created Student Profile Management application with a welcome page, and login verification page, which takes various student details as input, verifies them and displays it in the end.
      A major advantage of GUI is that it makes computer operations more intuitive and thus easier to learn and use.
      Icons are more user-friendly than long command lines. GUIs provide the user with immediate, visual feedback about the effect of each action.

      Download the complete project source code on Student Profile Management System .

      System Analysis and Design for Student Hostel Management System Project



      The purpose of this SRS & System Analysis and Design document is to build a Hostel Management System Site to help students book hostel rooms at their own convenience, file complaints, and write reviews about the room.


      The Hostel Management System project is useful for both students and hostel committee members.


      The purpose of this Hostel Management System is to ease hostel management and to create a convenient and easy-to-use application for students. The system is based on a relational database with room allotment, review, and complaint features.

      The Application will be able to perform the following operations:

      1. Allot Rooms: Students will be able to choose hostel rooms according to their convenience and pay for the same.
      2. File a complaint: Students will be able to file a complaint regarding any of the facilities and if the complaint could not be resolved within the specified time, it would be sent to the higher authorities.
      3. Review the rooms– Seniors who have already stayed in the room will get an option to review a room in which they can upload the room pictures and write about the problems(if they had faced any).

      Mess: Students will be able to pay the hostel fees, see their past payments and write reviews about the food and management.


      Specific requirements

      External Interface Requirements

      User Interfaces

      The goal of this Hostel Management System is to design the web application that will be used for the proper management of hostels. The user types are listed below-

      • Students
      • Hostel Committee
      • Mess Committee

      ER Model

      Hostel Management System ER Diagram



      1. Users
      2. Reviews
      3. Writes rev
      4. Rooms
      5. Complaints
      6. Writes com
      7. Student




      1. Pleasing to the eye.
      2. Simple to Use.
      3. Minimize the effort it takes for users to accomplish the work.


      1. Layout
      2. Content Awareness
      3. User experience
      4. Consistency
      5. Minimize user effort


      • HOME– It includes navigation among different pages. Starting with registration and login and address of other pages.
      • REGISTRATION/log in If you are a new user you have to register and if already a user only login is sufficient. After registration and login user will be redirected to the home page.
      • ROOM ALLOTMENT– After logging in it is necessary for the user to fill room allotment form if the room is already booked user will be redirected to the allotment form.
      • DASHBOARD– After booking the room user can see the status in the dashboard including username, scholar no and room booked.
      • REVIEW A ROOM – The user can review the room he is allowed only after login. This page is accessible only when the room is allocated. The review includes the description and the photo of the room. After the submission page is directed to another page from where the user can view his review and even delete it.
      • VIEW YOUR REVIEW– It keeps the track of the user’s reviews.
      • REVIEWS OF ROOMS– Before booking the room the user can view the review of various rooms.
      • COMPLAINTS– After room allotment, if the user requires to file any complaint he can register his complaint.
      • YOUR COMPLAINTS– It keeps a record of all the complaints filed by the user.


      Hostel Management System Flow Chart Diagram


      Till now, room allotment is done manually and physical presence is also required for the same. Students have to come a few days prior to the beginning of classes in order to select rooms. Hence this particular project deals with the problems of managing a hostel and avoids the hecticness of carrying out tasks manually.

      Online Student Project Report Submission and Evaluation System PHP Project

      Project Overview

      The online project report submission and evaluation system enables the student to submit their project report online without submitting any physical file. Before the submission, the student needs to update their progress to the system and the lecturer can view their progress and give comments online.

      The online project report submission and evaluation system is providing an online discussion and document sharing for students and lecturers. The pre-existing systems didn’t have the functionalities such as notifying the student when he/she is being added to the project group, online automatic generation of the certificate after the completion of the entire project, and many more which are being implemented in this version of the system.

      The proposed system will take away the biggest risk out of the picture i.e. the manual transmission of all the tasks related to the project report and also the design is formulated in such a way that the impersonation will be reduced to a greater level. With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing.

      What is new today will be old tomorrow. Our system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment.

      A special feature has been inculcated into the system as a result of which the notifications will be received by the faculty as well as the students on their respective registered mobile numbers. The faculty who will be added to the portal as well as the students who will be allotted to them will all get an individual notification that they have been allotted under which group and to which project they have been entitled. No submission is permitted by the system after the deadline has been crossed. The upload report button will be automatically disabled by the system itself so that no reports can be uploaded once the deadline has been crossed.


      • The system provides online processing of the reports.
      • Accurate results can be obtained.
      • The proposed system is used to reduce chaos and manual errors.
      • By viewing the reports the management can improve the institutional facilities.


      • As society is developing and new trends are emerging in the education sector every coming day.
      • The ‘Online project report submission and evaluation system’ approach is all about managing project reports online for institutional and educational practices
      • Intelligence is used for the automatic generation of the certificates once the project report has been finalized or the deadline is crossed.
      • The motivation is to propose an intelligent system that can be implemented in any organization.

      Use Case Diagram for the Proposed System:


      With the increase in technology, the need for systems is constantly increasing. What is new today will be old tomorrow. The proposed system at present will help to overcome the drawbacks of the previous versions of the system as per mentioned in the literature survey. Smooth access and a more user-friendly UI will help the users to get a home-like environment. The electronic marking of student project reports will save a lot of time, effort, and energy as well as expenses. It will also be more accurate and reliable for both the students and their instructions. In all, it will be a great help at the institutional level.

      This application can be implemented in various situations. New features can be added as and when required. Reusability is possible as and when required in the proposed system. All modules are flexible. A very useful functionality from which the students could benefit would be if the system had a forum where any discussion could be opened that is related to the project. In the future, a useful feature that can be added is a platform to upload the student’s projects (like applications) to their instructors by the students.

      Software Requirements

      • Front-end Design: JS, CSS, HTML
      • Back-end Coding: PHP, MySQL
      • Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or later.
      • Operating System: Linux, Ubuntu, Windows 10.
      • Application Server: XAMPP Server

      Download the complete Online Project Report Submission and Evaluation System for College students with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & MySQL Source code, and Full report documentation.

      Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Java Project with code

      Here download the complete Online Medical Store or Pharmacy shop Java Project with code, Abstract Seminar, Project Report, and how to run project user manual. The main aim of developing this project is to buy medicines online.


      • Introduction
      • Objective
      • Current System
      • Proposed System
      • Hardware & Software Requirements
      • Conclusion


      An online medical store is a pharmacy that operates over the Internet and sends orders to customers through shipping companies.
      This project helps the users to provide medicines on time to the delivery location online.
      This system requires a prescription for the specified drugs which is prescribed by the doctor and validated.


      The main goal of this project is to help the user easily find medicines that are good for their health.
      If there is no medicine in the store, it will be brought elsewhere.
      If a prescription is attached to any medicine, the service department will check and confirm the prescription accordingly.


      Online medical store has become famous these days.
      Certain changes have to be made to the existing system or technology.
      There is no feature of asking for prescriptions for the specified medicines.
      This is the drawback of the existing system.


      As the existing system has exhibited some ineffectiveness and inefficiency, some features are to be incorporated.
      The prescription will be asked for specified medicines or drugs.
      This helps in reducing the misuse of drugs.


      I3 processor or more
      Hard Disk: Min 40GB HDD
      1GB RAM
      CPU TYPE: Pentium processor IV


      Designing Tool: Notepad++
      Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
      Front end: HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT
      Back end: JAVA, MySQL Database


      This system helps to significantly reduce search time by allowing the user to enter a health issue and search accordingly.
      The system also allows the user to add items to the user’s cart and place an order to pay for them.
      This system will help reduce addiction.
      Thus, this system is a great help in getting the most suitable medicine for the user’s health.

      Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Java & MySQL Source Code

      Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Report / Documentation, it includes Project Synopsis, UML Design Diagrams, Output Screen results, and SRS.

      Download Online Medical Store or Pharmacy Shop Project Final Review Seminar PPT

      Deal Tracker System Groovy, XML, CSS, HTML Project Report

      The Deal Tracker system automates the creation, monitoring, and management of investment opportunities using common tools for all types of assets. Deal Tracker is an effective tool for tracking activities and tracking key factors that affect activities. This allows managers to record transaction information on a regular basis. Note that managers can revise contracts and change the status of existing contracts. Contacts are sent via email and pop-ups to customers and managers. Debts and expenses can be estimated by clicking the mouse before the transaction is completed. Relationships between different exchanges in the form of evidence disagree on different dates.

      Deal Tracker is up and workflow. Workflow is a series of related steps. It emphasizes the concept of flow and looks like a collection of real work. Each step is done quickly and completed before the next step begins. They also work as a real concept for real work. It serves and promotes human-machine relationships. Workflow concepts are closely related to other concepts that are used to define the organizational structure, such as functions, structures, policies, and leadership.

      With data monitoring, the Request Manager can register new data information directly. Note that managers can revise contracts and change the status of existing contracts. Customers and managers are notified of communications, popups, and email services. It allows you to simplify the effectiveness of business activities ahead of different areas without wasting much time. Workflow is a series of related steps. It emphasizes the concept of flow and looks like a collection of real work. Each step is done quickly and quickly and completed before the next step begins. It also got a real concept for a real job. It works to attract and promote relationships between humans and machines. Workflow concepts are closely related to other concepts that are used to define the organizational structure, such as functions, structures, policies, and leadership.

      The main purpose of this tool is to provide an automated way to handle many complex business tasks in a short time. Deal Tracker aims to be a powerful and useful tool that records business activities in seconds. The purpose is also to reuse the system for the same type of data.

      Deal Tracker allows us to effectively manage the storage and processing of important information. This business provides the best solution for many activities performed by users every day. This system saves business time and money, facilitates access to data, and provides access to important information in real-time instead of writing and sharing data in an Excel spreadsheet.

      Before there was a Deal Tracker, it was difficult to manage corporate funds from different regions. Managers should keep all contract information in an Excel file and process it. Excel is a spreadsheet program used for calculations, map tools, pivot tables, and more to create new spreadsheets for each activity and save a lot of data for future use. Searching for data becomes a problem. Some operations create difficult situations for data administrators. Some suggestions are missing due to lengthy responses and other comments. As a result of this problem, a new system/device was developed – Deal Tracker.

      Phonebook Application C Project Report


      The phonebook application works specifically for tracking people. The Phonebook application contains a set of basic functions for adding, searching, updating, and deleting new contacts. This mini-C phonebook design allows you to perform simple tasks in your phonebook, such as mobile phones. You can add text to the phonebook, find, edit, search, and delete. The concept of file management and data structure is often used in almost all functions in this project. It uses functions, file management, and data structure. This application provides information on adding, viewing, modifying, receiving, and deleting data from/to files. Adding new entries, browsing them, editing and updating, searching for saved contacts, and deleting contacts in the phonebook is one of the most important services that become the main menu in the phonebook application. When you add anything to your phone book, you will be asked for personal information such as name, gender, first name, phone number, nationality, email address, and address. You can then edit, view, search, and delete this text.


      Phonebook project is a very simple tool that helps you understand the basic concepts of creation, file extensions and data structure. This software teaches you how to add, view, edit or modify, receive and delete data from files.
      Adding new items, viewing them by logging in, editing and updating, searching for saved contacts and deleting data in the phonebook is one of the main features of the main phonebook application (shown in the main menu below). ).
      Personal information, such as name, type, identity, phone number, nationality, email address and address, is required to add a login to the phonebook. You can then edit, view, search and delete this text. It is estimated that there are more than 600 million mobile phone users in the world and the number is also increasing. The success of mobile phones is simply described: they are always there, everywhere. When a trader moves from one place to another, he is doing business without business. If the boy is late returning home, he can tell his parents. If you have a problem with your device, you can seek help along the way. Mobile phones are used for communication and communication between people. Informal meetings (such as going to the bar) are usually arranged on an anonymous and timely map over a mobile phone. In general, there are many ways to use a mobile phone. But there are some problems. Technology decides to reach potential everywhere, anywhere, but its existence does not mean that it can reach all possible respondents! Sharing information about the real world of customers is the way out of this problem. But now mobile user interactions depend on older versions. In particular, the connection between the user and the general user is not sensitive to the context, making it difficult to know when to call and under what circumstances.

      The main idea of ​​the program is to increase awareness of computer systems and the use of computer resources. The main purpose of this package is to reduce the pressure on users to learn more about computers and software. This helps maintain a direct connection between the computer and the user. This “My Phonebook” feature allows users with other logs to add and easily search for buttons and search options. There are also other services, for example: – Evaluate data in and out of the database. Our project is as follows: – “ADD” button on the login form, which allows you to add data to the database. Press the “Delete” button to delete transaction data. Press “UPDATE” to update the data. Press the “SEARCH” button to search for information in the database.


      The application program has been successfully implemented using experimental cases and the language used – C. C. This application works for other functions that make it easy to search, delete, edit, and remember our peer information.

      Report Analysis of Inventory Management Using ELK Stack Java Project Report

      Support solutions are important now because of the need for improvement and value. Every organization should have a good understanding of the level of inventory, which is the key to continuity and success. If inventory control does not work, it can cause serious problems for all companies. In order to improve operations, we need to achieve a good level of calculation that matches the required constraints at a level that is appropriate and does not add and add value.

      To understand the flow of the enterprise, it is important to understand the benefits and efficiency of the product. Understand what is happening and get helpful tips and advice. Obstacles to daily reporting of business evaluation need visual assistance and, if possible, to get a clear picture in real-time and the solution should also be very plastic. To facilitate data management, we decided to use Elastic Stack to manage organizational data. The process of understanding shared data involves three main steps: preparing, promoting, and using it.

      To do this and make it real, this project recommends using Elastic Stack solution to handle easily and quickly and move and create panels. Get important information to help you make decisions. In order to achieve this goal and extract the required data from the data, all tools are used to analyze the results to support communication and decision making.

      The main purpose of this system is to record inventory data, track inventory, update the inventory based on sales data, create daily or weekly sales and inventory reports, and report and analyze old public databases. Companies not only improve their products and decision-making activities.

      The app also provides simple reports to know the details of daily sales and purchases. This application is suitable for small but small organizations, which will help the organization. Search and efficiency reports for small organizations using ELK standards and open source, we use database system databases to indicate the use of ELK files, but the actual use of ELK files will be in big data because without many installation steps and because it is an open-source product.

      They have all the basics that are used in small organizations. Our team has successfully created software that allows us to update and remove it as needed. The app also provides simple reports to know the details of daily sales and purchases. This program is suitable for small organizations that are run by a small number of people that will definitely benefit the organization. This system helps the organization to achieve the level of visibility and flow for each company, important to ensure the level of profitability and level of production efficiency. Take helpful tips and tricks to understand what happened and what happened.

      Campus Selection Procedure Android App Project Report


      This project is intended to create a web application for university training majors. A system is a web application that, if properly launched, can be accessed throughout the organization and beyond. This system can be used as a university degree application (implementation supervisor) to handle student training information Participants must be able to submit their CV. Visitors/company representatives and students can find/search all information submitted.


      The main goal is to identify talented and talented students before graduating. Provide employment opportunities for students who are studying or in the final stages of the course. This process reduces network time to select candidates based on their needs.


      This project is specifically designed to facilitate student selection. This allows administrators to see the number of students and companies enrolled. Students can submit company reports and information.


      This system creates activities that are related to the selection process, which must be done by the HR department before and after the election of the appropriate student. This system helps in many ways, for example by sharing time and money to select students and companies. This concept group works to create a communication system between students and companies, and companies can find students who meet their needs


      Students and companies are listed here. This helps all learn student information and limitations from the company. The process works only after a specific user has registered and logged in.


      The Campus Selection Process is now a web application that, when implemented regularly, is available in all organizations and beyond. This system can be used as a program to manage student information in university administration practices. Students who register must be able to submit their CV information. Visitors/company representatives and students can find/search on all information submitted


      In advanced systems, users can see the state of weakness in the company and the state of students. If necessary, you can consult with the manager. That way, people can be useful, especially when they need it.


      1. Students
      2. Company information
      3. Find a job
      4. Supervisor
      5. Report


      • This module contains student names, tags, emails, art notes, and more.
      • Students can submit drafts.
      • They can update personal information, knowledge, and activation

      Business Information

      • Storage can be saved.
      • Here the company provides basic skills, experience, and experience. Offers, opening days, and closing days.
      • The list will be displayed with information about the company you are looking for, your recent trip, participation opportunities, and how to try it.
      • Location information for all items stored here.

      Job Search

      • With the help of this module we can search for limitations based on the data stored in this system.


      • Management module and all project permissions.
      • Students, companies, etc. can delete and edit data.


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      1. Drew Helzermen on Implementation of Telemetry Link on FPGA February 13, 2023
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